MATSOL 2019 Conference Online Program
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Personalized Instruction with Interactive Lessons from WGBH
vendredi 31 mai 2019 à 09:30–10:15 EDT add to calendar
Grand South
Session Abstract
PBS LearningMedia™ interactive lessons are self-paced, standards-aligned media-based lessons with clear instructional goals. Lessons are available for grades K-12 across the curriculum. In the lessons students explore content through video, text, audio, images, primary sources and short readings. PBS LearningMedia, co-produced by WGBH is free to teachers and students.
Session Type
Practice-Oriented Presentation (45 minutes)
Topic Strand
Digital Learning & Technology
Education Sector
PK-12 Education
Adult ESOL
Adult ESOL
PK-12 Focus
Early Education
Lower Elementary
Upper Elementary
Middle School
High School
Newcomer Programs
English Learners with Disabilities
Lower Elementary
Upper Elementary
Middle School
High School
Newcomer Programs
English Learners with Disabilities