Bridging Both Sides of the Desk: Working Together to Put Students First
Monday, April 8, 2019 at 9:10 AM–10:10 AM EDT
Galleria 7
Session Description
Let’s build some bridges! This presentation will identify key challenges that college representatives and high school counselors face when helping students navigate the college search process. We will discuss ideas to overcome obstacles, generate a more collaborative environment, and open lines of communication to benefit everyone…especially, our students.
Intended Audience
All Secondary School Counselors
Secondary Public School Counselors
Secondary Independent School Counselors
Post-secondary Admission Officers
Independent Counselors
Community-Based Organizations
Secondary Public School Counselors
Secondary Independent School Counselors
Post-secondary Admission Officers
Independent Counselors
Community-Based Organizations
Knowledge or experience level for your session attendees
All Levels
Head Presenter
Additional Presenters
Gail Polizzi, Purdue University
Presenter Information: State
Jennifer Shaughnessy, University of Missouri
Presenter Information: State
Patty DaSilva, Pope High School
Presenter Information: State
Brandi Smith, Marietta High School
Presenter Information: State