Leveraging the Power of Youth Agency and Activation to Increase College Access and Awareness
lundi 8 avril 2019 à 10:45–11:45 EDT
Galleria 8
Session Description
A high school student gets 38 minutes of one on one college counseling over four years of high school according to NACAC. However, we have an untapped resource to combat this statistic, our students. Learn the research of youth activation and process to leverage students to organize college going campaigns in their schools.
Intended Audience
All Secondary School Counselors
Secondary Public School Counselors
Secondary Independent School Counselors
Post-secondary Admission Officers
Independent Counselors
Community-Based Organizations
Secondary Public School Counselors
Secondary Independent School Counselors
Post-secondary Admission Officers
Independent Counselors
Community-Based Organizations
Knowledge or experience level for your session attendees
All Levels
Head Presenter
Raquel Figueroa, PeerForward
Head Presenter: State
Additional Presenters
Gary Linnen, PeerForward
Presenter Information: State