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2019 Annual Conference

April 6–9, 2019

Atlanta, GA

Love It or Leave It

Monday, April 8, 2019 at 9:10 AM–10:10 AM EDT
Galleria 8
Session Description

Admissions work can feel like searching-buying-selling a home. Since admissions work is often a field we enter based on interest/experience rather than education, how does one decide to shape a career? Learn how the "Wish Lists" of a "Lifer" and two "Desk-Changers" led them to "Love it or Leave it."​

Intended Audience
All Secondary School Counselors
Secondary Public School Counselors
Secondary Independent School Counselors
Post-secondary Admission Officers
Independent Counselors
Community-Based Organizations
Knowledge or experience level for your session attendees

Head Presenter

Irma Janeth Navarro Brown, The Lovett School
Head Presenter: State


Additional Presenters

Carol Lee Conchar, The George Washington University
Presenter Information: State

Washington, D.C.

Nicole Shaub Cook, Find the Right College, Educational Horizons, Mercer University
Presenter Information: State

