Up, Down, All Around: Lessons in Management
lunes, el 8 de abril de 2019 a las 10:45–11:45 EDT
Room 210
Session Description
Join a panel of dynamic enrollment management leaders for a discussion about managing from different points of view: managing up, down, and around, supervising remote employees, overseeing student workers, leading large and small teams, and more. Challenges, proven successes, and lessons learned along the way will be presented and shared.
Intended Audience
All Secondary School Counselors
Secondary Public School Counselors
Secondary Independent School Counselors
Post-secondary Admission Officers
Secondary Public School Counselors
Secondary Independent School Counselors
Post-secondary Admission Officers
Knowledge or experience level for your session attendees
All Levels
Head Presenter
Katherine Hilson, University of South Carolina
Head Presenter: State
South Carolina
Additional Presenters
Amy Moffatt, University of South Carolina
Presenter Information: State
South Carolina
Stephen P Karafa, Mercer University
Presenter Information: State
Ronnie Chalmers, North Carolina State University
Presenter Information: State
North Carolina