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2019 Annual Conference

du 6 au 9 April 2019

Atlanta, GA

College Admissions: A Customer Journey Perspective

dimanche 7 avril 2019 à 13:15–14:15 EDT
Room 204
Session Description

By taking a customer journey mapping perspective to understanding the admissions process at a regional private college, we found that the path students take is significantly different than previously suggested.  The perspective may help you better communicate with prospective students and change the way your school approaches admissions.

Intended Audience

Post-secondary Admission Officers

Knowledge or experience level for your session attendees

All Levels

Head Presenter

Susanna Warnock, Piedmont College
Head Presenter: State


Additional Presenters

Mallory Newsome, Piedmont College
Presenter Information: State


Alayna Lauck, Piedmont College
Presenter Information: State


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