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2019 Annual Conference

del 6 al 9 de April del 2019

Atlanta, GA

Bringing Parents into Your Process Without Admitting Them: Strategies and Advice for Engaging and Managing Parents of Prospective Students

domingo, el 7 de abril de 2019 a las 13:15–14:15 EDT
Room 206
Session Description

This session offers college admission officers strategies and practices for engaging prospective parents in a way that informs them better, while keeping them in their place. Based on decades of experience working with parents on the high school side,  it will provide specific advice on all phases of the process.

Intended Audience

Post-secondary Admission Officers

Knowledge or experience level for your session attendees

All Levels

Head Presenter

Sean Kennedy, Ravenscroft School
Head Presenter: State

North Carolina

Additional Presenters
