Back to the Basics: A Holistic Approach to Optimizing (International) Student Success in the College Setting
domingo, el 7 de abril de 2019 a las 13:15–14:15 EDT
Galleria 2
Session Description
This presentation will support and recommend knowledge, skills and tools that will aid in the development of best practices when working with international students who intend to study at the University level. Measurable outcomes related to academics, quality of life, health and wellness, student involvement and engagement will be discussed.
Intended Audience
Post-secondary Admission Officers
Independent Counselors
Independent Counselors
Knowledge or experience level for your session attendees
All Levels
Head Presenter
Ashley Blake, Auburn Global - Shorelight Education
Head Presenter: State
Additional Presenters
Chukwudi Chidume, Auburn Global - Shorelight Education
Presenter Information: State