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2019 Annual Conference

April 6–9, 2019

Atlanta, GA

Creating A Digital Engagement Strategy for Admissions and Recruitment

Sunday, April 7, 2019 at 1:15 PM–2:15 PM EDT
Galleria 3
Session Description

The college search process begins and deepens online, via search engines and social media. In this environment, a digital strategy is essential. Learn from early adopters who will share their roadmap, missteps, lessons, and tips that you can adapt to your campus, including goals, strategies, tactics, staffing requirements, and assessment.

Intended Audience


Knowledge or experience level for your session attendees

All Levels

Head Presenter

Rick Clark, Georgia Tech
Head Presenter: State


Additional Presenters

David Russell Graves, University of Georgia
Presenter Information: State


Liz Gross, Campus Sonar
Presenter Information: State

