MARC Holdings Records, Primo VE, and MarcEdit Integration Come to the Rescue
Thursday, May 2, 2019 at 11:15 AM–12:00 PM EDT
Room 204/205
Session Abstract
George Washington University (GW), a member of Washington Research Library Consortium, migrated from Voyager to Alma/Primo VE in July 2018. While Primo VE saves library staff from having to learn the Primo Back Office, GW encounters quite a challenge in configuring Primo VE due to staff turnover and the unique consortial environment. The session demonstrates how GW uses the MARC holding records and what Primo VE offers to resolve an issue regarding local note display among consortial members. In addition, it also includes how GW takes advantage of Alma/MarcEdit integration to implement this project.
Program Track
General / Strategic
Target Audience Skill Level
TJ Kao, George Washington University
Panel Moderator