Increasing Search Results: Using Zero Search Results & JavaScript to Reframe Searches
jueves, el 2 de mayo de 2019 a las 10:00–10:45 EDT
Grand West
Session Abstract
Evaluating zero search results and identifying ways to improve the searches can vastly improve patron results. The University of Oklahoma, Tulsa Campus Library and the University of Central Oklahoma Library collaborated to evaluate zero search results and identify improved search strategies. Based on findings they have created a JavaScript for use with the Primo search box that modifies searches. One example is changing the search from (0 searches) to 10.1016/j.anorl.2016.05.006 (1 exact result). This presentation will cover our strategies for zero search result evaluation as well as the JavaScript used to modify the primo search box.
Program Track
Target Audience Skill Level
None — General Audience
Data All Around Us
Elizabeth Jones, University of Central Oklahoma
Kirsten Davis, University of Central Oklahoma
Panel Moderator