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2019 Annual Meeting

April 30–May 3, 2019

Hilton Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia

(No) Letters to My Future Self: Manage and Customize Alma Letters

Friday, May 3, 2019 at 9:55 AM–10:40 AM EDT
Grand East & Corridor
Session Abstract

Based upon feedback from customer base, as well as from internal stakeholders, libraries have been making enhancements to the “Letters” that ALMA sends out under certain circumstances.  Examples include: adding new fields to letters (pulled from the raw XML), adding special messages based upon the presence of certain locations and/or groups, and cancellation of notices based on conditional logic (if all items are from a specific location or meet other criteria). This presentation will first give an overview of the Alma letter system, where letter content comes from, how letters are structured and displayed, how to test and manage letter activities, then walk you through all steps you need to make your own enhancements, and seek to answer any questions you have about how to make these changes yourself.

Program Track
General / Strategic
Target Audience Skill Level
Single-Site Institutions


Tao You, Vanderbilt University
Tim J. Siegel, Virginia Commonwealth University

Panel Moderator
