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2019 Annual Conference

April 6–9, 2019

Atlanta, GA

Is There a Doctor in the House? Honest Discussions about Pursuing (and Completing) Your Doctoral Degree

Sunday, April 7, 2019 at 1:15 PM–2:15 PM EDT
Room 212
Session Description

Pursuing or considering your doctorate? Ever wondered: Ed.D. or Ph.D.? What program? Do I have the time? Can I do it? What will I gain? What will I give up? Join us for a discussion as we share our experience and advice from different points in the doctoral process.


Intended Audience


Knowledge or experience level for your session attendees

All Levels

Head Presenter

Julia Hodge, University of South Carolina
Head Presenter: State

South Carolina

Additional Presenters

Erin McCubbin, Mount Vernon Presbyterian School
Presenter Information: State


Pamela Bowie, University of Arkansas: Pulaski Technical College
Presenter Information: State


Elizabeth Orehovec, University of South Carolina
Presenter Information: State

South Carolina

Harper Haynes, Vanderbilt University
Presenter Information: State

