Working with Instructors: Leganto Engagement Experiences
Session Abstract
While implementing Leganto you make choices around configurations, workflows and integrations. These are technical and you can test them out. You also need to decide how you’ll launch and roll it out to your instructors and testing this out is a bit more complex. There are many different approaches to having instructors work with Leganto and the best way often comes from jumping in, having real life experiences and getting direct feedback to plot the course ahead. Librarians from Northeastern University will share their experiences with preparing and conducting initial Leganto pilots and, then, deciding what to do next. We’ll also include an overview of the Ex Libris-provided Campus Engagement program which can support you in these efforts. We hope to have a lively discussion and sharing from the audience as well – to help us all brainstorm new ideas and approaches to crack the toughest nut of them all: getting faculty to do something new.
Program Track
Target Audience Skill Level
None — General Audience