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Global Conference 2019

del 12 al 16 de July del 2019

Peking University, Beijing, China

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Are green ads effective changing ad and brand attitudes? Evidence from experimental research

sábado, el 13 de julio de 2019 a las 16:45–18:00 CST
3 Room 3
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Experimental Research

Over the years, a number of studies have been conducted to examine the effectiveness of green messages in advertisements. But are such messages effective in changing ad and brand attitudes? To answer that question, we analyzed published studies that used experiments to investigate the persuasive impact of green messages in ads over the years. Results suggested that overall, green ads had significant effects on ad attitudes, brand attitudes and purchase intentions. Such effects, however, varied across several moderating conditions. Findings have important implications for future research on green advertising.

First & Corresponding Author

Fuyuan Shen, Penn State University
Authors in the order to be printed.

Fuyuan Shen, Guolan Yang, Jeff Conlin, Xiaohua Wang

Additional Authors

Guolan Yang, Penn State
Jeff Conlin, Penn State
Xiaohua Wang, Shenzhen University