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Global Conference 2019

du 12 au 16 July 2019

Peking University, Beijing, China

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The Conditional Indirect Effects of Personal Relevance and Temporal Framing on Pro-environmental Behavioral Intentions through the Mediation of Risk Perception: Evaluating the Ads about Takeaway Plastic Food Container Hazard in China

samedi 13 juillet 2019 à 16:45–18:00 CST
3 Room 3
Keywords: Please select at least two and no more than four. Hold the CTRL key to select multiple
Experimental Research

Given the environmental problems brought by the huge consumption of plastic takeaway food container in China, this study investigates how to frame messages more effectively to persuade people to reduce the use of takeaway plastic food containers. The finding reveals an underlying mechanism about how two types of message features (personal relevance and temporal framing) conditionally exert effects on people’s pro-environmental behavioral intentions via the mediation of risk perception. Theoretical contributions and practical implications are discussed.


First & Corresponding Author

Kang Li, Zayed University
Authors in the order to be printed.

Kang Li, Kelly Lau

Additional Authors

Kelly Lau, BNU-HKBU United International College
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