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2019 Annual Conference

April 6–9, 2019

Atlanta, GA

Words are Magic: The power of language to influence students getting to - and through - college.

Monday, April 8, 2019 at 3:20 PM–4:20 PM EDT
Room 224
Session Description

Maya Angelou professes: "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Join admission professionals with backgrounds in conflict resolution, advocacy, professional counseling, & admission to learn how the phrases we use can propel - or thwart - student success. 

Intended Audience
All Secondary School Counselors
Secondary Public School Counselors
Secondary Independent School Counselors
Post-secondary Admission Officers
Independent Counselors
Community-Based Organizations
Knowledge or experience level for your session attendees

All Levels

Head Presenter

Jessica Ramm, Holy Innocents' Episcopal School
Head Presenter: State


Additional Presenters

Pam Ambler, Pace Academy
Presenter Information: State


Ashley Young, Drew Charter School
Presenter Information: State


Megan Starling, Rhodes College
Presenter Information: State

