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2013 Annual Conference

del 5 al 8 de November del 2013

Lexington, KY

It is time to review the schedule for the placement of your session in the AAACE Agenda. This is the final draft of the Schedule. When you look up your name, use the detail listing to check what days/times you asked to be placed. This is a huge program and we can accommodate necessary changes in day and time now, but may not be able to do so after September 1, 2013 except in emergencies. Please carefully check your placement and send any requests to Ginger Phillips, AAACE Conference Planner with AAACE Session Change Request in the subject line. We will respond to your email, but it may take us up to a week to do so. Thanks for your help in "fine tuning" this agenda!

The PCF Curriculum Model: A Contextual 3-D Model to Foster Adult Learning Outcomes

jueves, el 7 de noviembre de 2013 a las 15:30–16:15 EST
Type of Presentation


Session Abstract

Presenters will demonstrate a conceptual curriculum model for adult education from their field experience, based on interdependence between a tridimensional matrix curriculum and its context, mediated by its delivery format.

Target Audience

The session is designed for professionals within or outside academia, and students interested in the field of curriculum development for adult education from an applied perspective.

Learning Outcomes

Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the contextual model and delivery format when developing and implementing curriculum for adult learners. Participants will also be able to identify, evaluate, and synthesize the applied components of curriculum design with an emphasis on purpose, content and form. Finally, participants will be able to frame and define relevant learning outcomes for any curriculum model.

Session Description

We define curriculum as a set of integrated systemic experiences constructed to efficiently augment specific propositional and procedural knowledge towards expected learning outcomes. Congruent with this definition, we have developed a curriculum model geared towards adult learners named the “PCF Curriculum Model”. It is based on the interdependence between the purpose (P), content (C), and form (F) of a curriculum and its context, mediated by its delivery format. The model originated from our 5-year field experience with an intensive, time-condensed, immersion-learning program in California, designed to help adult learners access and succeed in higher education.
The model encompasses many of the adult learning principles portrayed by the psychology of learning and offers a perspective on applying those principles to curriculum development in adult education. The model has potential to positively impact learning outcomes since it is grounded on contextualized key concepts that make learning experiences meaningful to adult learners.

Efforts are made to try to schedule sessions on the day preferred by the Primary Presenter, though this cannot be guaranteed. Please check your preference.

No preference

Primary Presenter

Francisco T Leite, Lifelong Education Institute
Work Title

President & CEO

Additional Presenters: Enters In Order.

Masoud J Azizi, Lifelong Education Institute
Work Title

Chief Academic Officer
