D2 - ANCHOR TALK: Making Connections During Travel and Across the Desk
viernes, el 3 de mayo de 2019 a las 14:00–15:00 EDT add to calendar
2110 (75)
Session Description
A discussion about the strengths, challenges, and potential opportunities of Facebook groups for college admissions professionals. We will share the details behind both the DMV Recruiters and Florida Recruiters/Florida Counselors Facebook Groups in an effort to create connections and build community while on the road during recruitment seasons.
Target audience
Courtney Cox, Towson University
David Adams, BA, MA, Widener University
Brief biographical sketch, to include educational background
23 years working in higher education. BA in History and MA in Human Sciences
Courtney Cox, Towson University
Brief biographical sketch, to include educational background
5 years in higher education. BA in Mass Communication & Spanish, and MS in Human Resource Development
Mariah McLane Giardino, Rochester Institute of Technology
Brief biographical sketch, to include educational background
9 years in higher education. BA in Communications and MS in Communication Studies.