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Global Conference 2019

del 12 al 16 de July del 2019

Peking University, Beijing, China

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A Brief Study of the Public’s Influence on the Development of the Chinese Advertising Industry —— From a Development Advertising Perspective

sábado, el 13 de julio de 2019 a las 09:00–10:30 CST
3 Room 3
Keywords: Please select at least two and no more than four. Hold the CTRL key to select multiple
Public Policy/Public Policy Toward Advertising
Public Relations

The public becomes the main factor of the development of Chinese advertising industry is because of the development of the society and the industry itself, and the public’s exogenous influence and the endogenous influence both play a important part. The exogenous influence means the public can influence the development of the advertising industry without involving in the process of the service production, and the endogenous influence means the public’s influence on the advertising industry works through involving in the service production process.The relationship between the exogenous influence and the endogenous influence is after a short dominance of the exogenous influence, the development of the advertising industry goes into a comprehensive stage which both the exogenous influence and the endogenous influence played a joint role,and then the advertising industry will be lead by the endogenous influence primarily, and the exogenous influence will play a auxiliary role.

First & Corresponding Author

Qing Shen, Doctor, Peking University
Authors in the order to be printed.

Dr. Qing SHEN

Additional Authors
