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Global Conference 2019

July 12–16, 2019

Peking University, Beijing, China

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The Emergence and Extinction of "Local Advertising Company" ——Logic of The Change Of Macro System in China's Advertising Industry

Saturday, July 13, 2019 at 9:00 AM–10:30 AM CST
3 Room 3
Keywords: Please select at least two and no more than four. Hold the CTRL key to select multiple
Advertising Agencies
Cross-Cultural Advertising

In the study of advertising history in China, people often take “local advertising company” as a group existing in reality, ignoring the cultural significance of this title and the emergence and extinction of this cultural symbol in social changes. In the study of advertising companies, the two aspects of cultural research and industrial research have no communication. This study hopes to conduct cultural research across the past from the text and case level to the advertising, and can conduct research from the perspective of cross-paradigm. Through the combing of the development history of advertising companies, this paper discovers the history of the formation and demise of the concept of “local advertising company” and the changes in the macro system of China's advertising industry behind it.

First & Corresponding Author

Shi Chenxu, Qingdao University of Science and Technology
Authors in the order to be printed.

Shi Chenxu

Additional Authors
