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2019 Conference

du 28 au 31 May 2019

Sheraton Framingham Hotel and Conference Center, Framingham MA

MATSOL 2019 Conference Online Program

Presenters are invited to upload their session handouts. Search for the session to find the handout materials.


Accelerate Achievement for ELA, Spanish and Math with Imagine Learning

mercredi 29 mai 2019 à 09:30–10:15 EDT add to calendar
Session Abstract

We will review how our platforms can support All English learners and Spanish bilingual students in ELA, Math and Spanish, while providing actionable information to the teachers.

Session Type

Commercial Presentation (45 minutes)

Topic Strand

Digital Learning & Technology

Education Sector

PK-12 Education

PK-12 Focus

Lower Elementary


Anne-Marie Brockwell, Imagine Learning
Email Address


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