MATSOL 2014 Conference: Online Program
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Using Read-alouds to Improve the Vocabulary Skills of Young Spanish-speakers
jeudi 8 mai 2014 à 09:00–09:45 EDT
Grand Centre
Session Abstract
This practice-oriented presentation will demonstrate specific read-aloud strategies that have been found successful for young Spanish-speakers. It will provide lesson maps on the “how-to” of essential pre-reading, during-reading, and post-reading activities designed to maximize the children’s exposure to new words while also providing opportunities for practice with expressive language tasks.
Session Length
Practice-Oriented Presentation (45 minutes)
Elementary Educators
Teacher Educators
Teacher Educators
Topic Strand
Best Practices in Instruction
Lead Presenter
Lianna Pizzo, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Boston
Biographical Statement
Lianna has worked in the schools for over 13 years. Her research includes the language and literacy development of Spanish-English and American Sign Language-English bilinguals.