MATSOL 2019 Conference Online Program
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Developing Rubrics to Assess Content and Language Learning
mercredi 29 mai 2019 à 15:30–16:15 EDT add to calendar
Session Abstract
In this session we will discuss different purposes for using rubrics, answer key questions for developing and revising rubrics for ELs, and workshop rubric ideas with colleagues. Special attention will be paid to rubrics that include both language and content criteria.
Session Type
Practice-Oriented Presentation (45 minutes)
Topic Strand
Data and Assessment
Education Sector
PK-12 Education
PK-12 Focus
Lower Elementary
Upper Elementary
Middle School
High School
Newcomer Programs
SLIFE Programs
Dual Language Programs
Upper Elementary
Middle School
High School
Newcomer Programs
SLIFE Programs
Dual Language Programs
Melissa Keh, Bridgewater State University
Email Address