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81st Annual Conference & Meeting

du 14 au 16 October 2019

Denver, CO

Learn more about the concurrent sessions for ACHE 2019.

Victory Starts Here! USC Palmetto College and Ft. Jackson....Partnering for Soldier Success!

mardi 15 octobre 2019 à 14:00–15:20 EDT
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Columbia, South Carolina is home to Ft. Jackson, the largest army training post in the country, along with the University of South Carolina and its system innovation for off-campus and online delivery, Palmetto College. Learn how these two partners are collaborating to provide success for soldiers and their families through the development of new and innovative programs that prepare soldiers for the workforce once they complete their tour of duty. Key components of the partnership provide on-site delivery of courses at Ft. Jackson, along with online degree programs, coupled with both a physical and virtual one-stop shop, meeting both the educational and career development needs of soldiers. Columbia is known as the "Most Friendly Military Community in the Country" and the goal of this collaborative partnership is to make USC Palmetto College the "Most Military Friendly Educational Opportunity in the Country!"


Dr. Susan A. Elkins, Ed.D, University of South Carolina Palmetto College
Mr. James E. Smith, Jr, JD, University of South Carolina Palmetto College
Ryan West, Palmetto College Grafuate
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