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2019 Annual Conference

du 8 au 11 October 2019

St. Louis, MO

Embedding a Chicana Feminist Epistemology into Adult and Continuing Educational Research

mercredi 9 octobre 2019 à 17:00–18:30 CDT
Grand DE
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Women’s Issues, Status, and Education

Presentation Format Requested

Poster (60-90 minutes)

Session Abstract

Session participants will discuss and bridge Chicana feminist epistemology and adult educational research. The use of this theoretical framework disrupts the traditional adult educational research paradigms and attempts to create critical research inclusive to indigenous, marginalized and gendered groups.

Target Audience

The target audience for this session includes adult educational researchers, scholars or graduate students interested in using interdisciplinary research and theory.

Learning Outcomes

After attending this session learners will distinguish and define the characteristics of Chicana feminism and its pedagogical and educational research-based application, specifically in the discipline of adult continuing education. They will describe the foundation of Chicana feminist epistemology and identify Chicana scholars in academia. Learners will also discuss the critical educational background in research and summarize about its transcendence through traditional educational research paradigms. Finally, learners will get an opportunity to share their thoughts on its infusion into adult education and be encouraged to share any suggestions for continued use of this theoretical framework in adult educational research.

Session Description

Chicana feminist epistemology as a non-traditional theoretical concept has transcended through academia and become a tool impacting research methodologies, methods, and pedagogy of Chicana researchers, educators and activists (Delgado Bernal, 1998; Villenas, 1996). This theoretical concept was born out of necessity to rupture the exclusivity of academic scholars, researchers, and knowledge claiming of and towards indigenous, marginalized, gendered and othered individuals. Chicana feminism bore women scholars who laid claim to indigenous knowledge by way of embodiment, spirituality and what Gloria Anzaldúa called mestiza consciousness. It is pertinent, in this negative political climate against marginalized groups, to have Chicana feminist epistemology in adult educational research. As a historically activist and critical consciousness raising discipline, it is time to apply a critical way of thinking to adult education and research.

Format & Technique

My colleague and I will summarize the concept of Chicana feminist epistemology in adult education research through a poster session. We answer and engage learners in thought-provoking discussions situated in the methodology, methods, and analysis of Chicana feminism. We will also share the current dissertation work done incorporating this theoretical framework into the discipline of adult continuing education.

Primary Presenter

Cindy Pena, Texas State University- San Marcos
Work Title

Additional Presenters

Rey Lopez, Texas State University
Work Title
Jessica Quintero, Texas State University
Work Title
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