Age Factor in Second Language Acquisition
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Adult Development
Presentation Format Requested
Poster (60-90 minutes)
Session Abstract
The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of age of arrival at the acquisition of Second Language and role of CP in L2. Research samples were selected from three different age groups.The results showed the age of arrival has a direct effect on the learners’ English proficiency.
Target Audience
The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of age of arrival at the acquisition of Second Language and the role of CP in L2 Language acquisition. The target audience is the adults who are in the process of second language acquisition or learning.
Learning Outcomes
The age of arrival has a direct effect on the learners’ English proficiency, the study calls for adding more research and training to evaluate the effect of Critical Period and immersion in Second Language Learning.
Session Description
In the methodology of this study, research samples were selected from three different age groups of arrival which included a group who arrived before the age of CP, a group who arrived in their twenties, and the ones who arrived in their forties.
Selected participants included the age of arrival (AoA, Range=5-20), (AoA, Range=20-40), (AoA, Range=40-60). All 28 participants used English as their Foreign Language, and the adults had a college degree or were currently in Graduate School in a University in South-East. The data were collected through observations, recording sessions and a detailed discourse analysis.
The results of the study showed that the age of arrival has a direct effect on the learners’ English proficiency. Finally, the study calls for adding more research and training to evaluate the effect of Critical Period and immersion in Second Language Learning.
Format & Technique
The presentation will be in poster format. I will provide a poster with summary of study in my poster presentation.
Primary Presenter
Sedighe Zamani Roodsari, Adult Education
Work Title
Additional Presenters
Sedighe Zamani Roodsari, Ad Ed
Work Title