Necessity of Counting Flood Education in Higher Education Curricula : Report from Kerala, India
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Sustainability and Environmental Adult Education
Presentation Format Requested
Poster (60-90 minutes)
Session Abstract
Flood education awareness and knowledge in prevention are highly relevant to Flood Prone areas of India. This paper is deliberating the need for counting flood education program in higher education curricula. In addition, we are discussing the preventive measures that need to be taken on the flood-prone areas of India.
Target Audience
My target audience would be higher and adult education experts, students, curriculum designers, Ph.D. Candidates, Faculties, Doctoral students, Educators, Educational Directors and Deans of Education. In addition, I am targeting those people who have experienced a flood in their personal life. Also, I am targeting International students and Environmental Educational experts.
Learning Outcomes
Describing the role of including environmental subjects in the higher education curricula of India.
Describing the need of including flood education as a subject in the higher education programs in India.
Describing the need of understanding flood prone areas of Indian States.
Describing the need of understanding fundamental preventive measures towards flood.
Session Description
This paper examines the necessity of including environmental subjects in the higher education curricula towards the awareness of the adults and the public to prevent the devastating situation in the flood-prone area. Based on the geographical report, Kerala, A state of India, is not a flood prone area. However, 2018 August Kerala was facing devastating monsoon Flood, which was the worst monsoon flood in a century. Since it was the first experience of people of Kerala, they were shocked and were not prepared to overcome the worst situation of the flood. More than 200 people including kids were killed and washed away. Based on the recent report, Since Kerala is not being the flood-prone area, flood education is not counted as a major topic in the higher education curricula. We are here providing a report on the necessity of including flood education as a major subject in the higher education towards the awareness and prevention of devastating situation of the flood at Kerala in future. This session explained the significance of the flood 2018 circumstances with supporting pictures and a report to Higher education curriculum designers and environmental experts in India.
Format & Technique
This is a poster presentation.
Images related to Flood to convey the messages to the audience.
A brief survey report designed towards the understanding of the viewers.
Research problem, methods and findings also included in limited space for better understanding of the situation.
Primary Presenter
Remmia Radhakrishnan Sukapurath, University Of Memphis
Work Title
HIAD EdD Student