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2019 Annual Conference

du 8 au 11 October 2019

St. Louis, MO

Faculty Careers for Doctoral Graduates in Adult Education: A Panel Discussion

mercredi 9 octobre 2019 à 13:45–14:30 CDT
Grand A (85)
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CPAE CoConference: Emerging Issues for Faculty in Higher Education

Presentation Format Requested

CPAE CoConference Only: Emerging Issues or Research & Theory (45 Minute Concurrent)

Session Abstract

This session is for graduate students who are seeking a career in higher education. A panel of faculty that represent various positions, such as pre-tenure faculty, tenured faculty, non-tenure-track faculty, and administrators will share their perspectives of the professoriate and assist graduate students seeking positions in higher education.

Target Audience

The target audience for this session is graduate students who are preparing for careers in higher education. In addition to the students and the panel of faculty, audience members will also include those who are interested in sharing their perspective and insight of the positions available in higher education for new doctoral graduates.

Learning Outcomes

Participants will gain an understanding of the types and availability of positions in higher education.
Participants will acquire knowledge about various career trajectories.
Participants will discuss, share tips, and network to be better prepared for a career in higher education.

Session Description

We are in the age of diminishing opportunities for tenure track positions and at an age of an emerging new professoriate model. This can have an impact on doctoral graduates that wish to pursue careers in higher education as tenure-track faculty. To help better prepare graduate students, current faculty and higher education administrators need to come together to discuss the opportunities that are available, to align new needs and ways of achieving the type of work required of professors, and to help graduate students understand the path to a traditional tenure-track faculty position and also understand other faculty options in acedemia. This is the time to prepare graduate students for various types of positions and discuss ways to be innovative in the professoriate and the expectations of working in higher education. The panelists were purposefully selected to represent various institution types and faculty roles. This session has been designed for graduate students to ask questions and seek answers to pave a successful career in higher education.

Format & Technique

This session is designed specifically for CPAE: Emerging Issues for Faculty in Higher Education. The session includes a moderated panel discussion with members representing a variety of faculty positions in higher education (tenure track, non tenure track, community college, administration, etc.) The panel members will share their experiences and perspectives about their positions with the audience.  PLEASE NOTE:  It is intended that this session be immediately followed by the session, " Careers for Doctoral Graduates in Adult Education: A Discussion with Faculty" which will allow  audience participants to directly interact with panel members in an open conversation.

Primary Presenter

Dr Leann M.R. Kaiser, Ph.D, Colorado State University
Work Title

Assistant Professor

Additional Presenters

Dr. Kalpana Gupta, Colorado State University
Work Title
Dr. Jill Zarestky, Colorado State University
Work Title

Assistant Professor

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