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2019 Annual Conference

du 8 au 11 October 2019

St. Louis, MO

Careers for Doctoral Graduates in Adult Education: A Discussion with Faculty

mercredi 9 octobre 2019 à 14:40–15:25 CDT
Grand A (85)
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CPAE CoConference: Emerging Issues for Faculty in Higher Education

Presentation Format Requested

CPAE CoConference Only: Emerging Issues or Research & Theory (45 Minute Concurrent)

Session Abstract

This session is a follow-up to the panel discussion with faculty members in programs of higher education.  Participants will interact one-on-one with the panel members to ask questions and learn from their experience.  Participants who were not able to attend the panel discussion are welcome at this conversational session.

Target Audience

The target audience for this session is graduate students who are preparing for careers in higher education.

Learning Outcomes

Participants will interact with current faculty members in programs of higher education in order to:
-Learn about the different expectations and experiences associated with various faculty career types;
-Have the opportunity to directly ask questions and engage in conversation with faculty members; and
-Network with faculty members and fellow graduate students in order to better prepare for a career in higher education.

Session Description

This session is intended to directly follow the "Faculty Careers for Doctoral Graduates in Adult Education: A Panel Discussion" session.  During the panel discussion, participants will have the opportunity to hear about the experiences and perspectives of faculty members in a variety of positions (tenure-track, tenured, non-tenure track, community college, administration, etc.)  During this follow-up session the panel members will be available for direct conversation with the participants.  Participants can ask questions and engage in conversation that directly addresses their questions and concerns. This follow up session is an important extension of the panel discussion as the format of the panel does not allow sufficient time for individual conversations and interaction, both of which are of key importance to help graduate students understand the options and process for obtaining faculty positions in higher education. As well, the opportunity for direct contact with a variety of faculty members is something that may not be easily accessible for many graduate students, making this an important and valuable opporutnity for them.

Format & Technique

The panel members and their academic positions will be briefly introduced (for those who did not attend the panel session directly beforehand).  The panel members will then be available for direct conversations with participants regarding their work, how they obtained their positions, their experiences, and anything else that is of interest to the attending participants.

Primary Presenter

Tobin P. Lopes, Ph. D., Colorado State University
Work Title

Assistant Professor

Additional Presenters

Dr Leann M.R. Kaiser, Ph.D, Colorado State University
Work Title
Dr. Kalpana Gupta, Colorado State University
Work Title

Assistant Professor

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