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2019 Annual Conference

del 8 al 11 de October del 2019

St. Louis, MO

Detrimental Training Gaps: Influencers of Caseworker Resilience

miércoles, el 9 de octubre de 2019 a las 08:55–09:35 CDT
Grand C (85)
Select the FIRST area in which your presentation best fits.

Human Resource Development and Training

Presentation Format Requested

Fast Format (7 minutes)

Session Abstract


This presentation describes the trainer/training related perceptions held by child welfare-case managers in central Florida. This session will offer an interactive review of resilience, excerpts from a qualitative study on resilience, and an overview of opportunities for trainers to support new child welfare employees and assist with employee retention.

Target Audience


This presentation will be helpful for those who work in training and development, specifically those interested in Child Welfare, Human Services, and/or Case management.  Early career trainers, training developers, and curriculum development experts will benefit from this presentation.

Learning Outcomes

Knowledgeable of resilience
Comprehend the impact of training on caseworker resignation
Recognize the impact of trainer support on employee morale
Construct ideas for improving trainer support

Session Description


Annual turnover among case managers in Florida averages “37% annually but can run as high as 80% in certain areas” (Florida’s TaxWatch, 2015). It is likely that this number does not take into account all of the new hires that start the training class as resign prior to taking the initial exam. In agencies tasked with ensuring child safety, employee turnover is a major dilemma for more reasons than one.  Shortages of professional personnel in the public field of child welfare is a nationwide problem that has led to many child welfare agencies being found deficient by the courts. “The question of what contributes to workers staying in child welfare despite the intensity of child protective service work…is one key to understanding the complexity of worker retention” (Calahane & Sites, 2008, p. 95). In a study investigating protective factors and resilience in current and previous case managers, participants expressed strong opinions about the new hire training and trainer support. This presentation focuses on resilience, case management support, and opportunities for filling training gaps for professionals providing case management services.

Format & Technique

This presentation will open with a quick Kahoot quiz on resilience. A powerpoint presentation will be utilized to demonstrate participant opinions related to training. The presentation will close with a discussion on trainer opportunities and the impact of case manager training on Department of Children and Families supervised children.  

Primary Presenter

Chantae D. Still, University of South Florida
Work Title