A Web-Based Content Analysis on Resources for Military Veterans within SEC Institutions
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Military Education
Presentation Format Requested
Shared Concurrent Session (Approx. 12 or 20 minutes)
Session Abstract
Military veterans are continuing to seek out educational opportunities following active duty service. The purpose of this presentation is to explore the findings based on research from a web-based content analysis of 13 Southeastern Conference institutions on the various resources, services, and funding offered for veterans in higher education.
Target Audience
This presentation will be suitable for all attendees who wish to broaden their knowledge of military veterans, military education, and the resources and services offered to them within higher education institutions in the United States such as military educators, higher education administrators, policy makers, graduate students, and adult education scholars and practitioners. This presentation will provide practical information about student veterans and the resources and services to help them succeed in higher education.
Learning Outcomes
Upon attendance of this presentation, attendees will have a better understanding of background information and definitions about a student veteran within an academic environment. Attendees will also gain knowledge about various resources offered to student veterans within the Southeastern Conference institutions and will have knowledge potential funding opportunities for student veterans and various services that are unique to this population and how these services help identify best practices in the academic success of student veterans in higher education.
Session Description
The purpose of this research is to explore the available resources for veterans pursuing higher educational opportunities. A web-based content analysis of four-year, public institutions in the Southeastern Conference in the United States allows recognition and analysis of the financial options, resources, and services that are unique to student veterans. The web-based analysis allows imitation of the experience and information that a student veterans or service member would encounter when deciding which institution could best fit their unique needs. It has been discovered that multiple institutions possess some form of resources for student veterans. However, the amount and type of services offered vary between each. Some institutions were found to have resource centers specifically for the aid of student veteran success. Others were found to provide only the basic requirements by the Department of Veteran Affairs to certify education benefits. Research questions that guided this study were: What resources are available to student veterans to help them succeed? What is the best practice for helping veterans in higher education? Some implications and discussion on the best practices for student veterans in higher education will also be provided.
Format & Technique
This proposed presentation has four sections. First, the presenters will use PowerPoint slides to provide general background information and definitions pertaining to the student veteran in higher education. Next, the presenters will provides information regarding various resources for student veterans, potential funding opportunities, and specific services unique to student veterans. Then, the presenters will give interactive activities, which will provide opportunities for the attendees to reflect on and share their experiences of military veterans in higher education. Last, the presenters will provide a Q&A session.