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2019 Annual Conference

du 8 au 11 October 2019

St. Louis, MO

Practicing Culturally Responsive Advising: The Intersectionality of Sexual Orientation, Gender, Race, and Student-Athletes

mercredi 9 octobre 2019 à 15:55–16:35 CDT
Grand F (85)
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Colleges and Universities

Presentation Format Requested

Shared Concurrent Session (Approx. 12 or 20 minutes)

Session Abstract

This presentation will explore studies that were conducted on the experiences of lesbian student-athletes and gay students of color to capture how diverse populations experience higher education and how support staff practitioners (i.e., academic advisors, faculty members) play a role in the level of comfortability and inclusivity these students experience. 


Target Audience

This presentation will specifically address some of the most current issues facing two marginalized sub-populations in higher education using a queer perspective.  So, the following audience will be beneficial for professional and faculty advisors (i.e., support staff practitioners), athletic department personnel, student affairs personnel, and higher education administrators who work with queer students and strive to create and sustain LGBTQ-friendly environments. This research presentation will inform higher education practitioners on how to implement practical culturally responsive advising methods and strategies in order to create spaces that are more inclusive. 

Learning Outcomes

After attending this session, participants will be able to do the following: 1) understand the experiences of sub-populations within the LGBTQ+ higher education environment; 2) be able to develop resources needed to help queer students; 3) be responsive to queer students’ needs; and 4) be able to develop practices and protocols to help and protect the queer population and learning environment.

Session Description

The purpose of this presentation is to provide a better understanding of how practitioners in higher education can be more inclusive and helpful by implementing culturally responsive advising methods and strategies.  It is imperative for people to understand the importance of inclusion, diversity, and intersectionality as heterosexism and homophobia ideologies still permeates higher education cultures and as a result, influences students’ experiences.  Broadly, campus environment shapes the overall climate and influences the perceptions and experiences of students (Renn & Patton, 2010).  Importantly, those individuals who coexist within the environment play a vital role in how the culture takes shapes and can either reinforce a heterosexist environment or conversely, an accepting one.  Therefore, support staff members have an influential role in creating safe spaces for students and impact how students experience the higher education environment.  Thus, it is crucial they exercise inclusive practices when working with students.  Through education, acts to deinstitutionalize norms of exclusivity and heterosexism can work to create new, inclusive norms.  Innovatively, this presentation is going to address research from two unique sub-populations within the LGBTQ+ higher education community: lesbian student-athletes and gay male students of color and conceptualize best practices when working with students from diverse backgrounds.

Format & Technique

The presenters will first start the session by going over both studies in order to capture how diverse populations experience higher education and how support staff members play a role in the level of comfortability and inclusivity these students feel on campus. Next, the presenters will go over the conceptualization of resources and strategies advisors, researchers, and practitioners can use to be culturally responsive to students’ needs. Additionally, the audience will be presented with role play scenarios so the participants can practice critical conversations in a safe space.  Last, the session will be concluded with a reflection period and questions.   

Primary Presenter

Meghan Pfeiffer, Ed.D., University of Memphis
Work Title

Director, Quality Enhancement Planning, Academic Coaching, and Support Services

Additional Presenters

Mitsunori Misawa, Ph.D., The University of Tennessee and Knoxville
Work Title

Assistant Professor, Adult Learning and Adult Education

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