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2019 Annual Conference

du 8 au 11 October 2019

St. Louis, MO

Disseminating Research and Practice: Using Social Media for Pathways and Promotion

mercredi 9 octobre 2019 à 09:45–10:30 CDT
Grand B (85)
Select the FIRST area in which your presentation best fits.

Workforce Development, Continuing Education, and Professional Development

Presentation Format Requested

Shared Concurrent Session (Approx. 12 or 20 minutes)

Session Abstract

Adult educators face multiple priorities and challenges, including the dissemination of research and practice.  Social media provides new pathways to advance research, promote publications, and share practice.  In this session, we examine the power, platforms, research, benefits, concerns, best practices, and tools related to social media promotion.

Target Audience

This session will benefit adult educators interested in contributing to theory, practice, and policy, especially those wanting to broaden the dissemination and impact of their work.  According to the Pew Research Center (Perrin, 2015), nearly two-thirds of Americans use social media, and the rise of social media is changing how we consume and share information as well as work. 

Social media offers new pathways to academics, practitioners, and students to disseminate research and practice through promotion.  Such pathways offer broader dissemination and may influence human rights, economic empowerment, and environmental study.

Learning Outcomes

After this session, participants will be able to more effectively disseminate research and practice using social media. Specifically, they will be able to accomplish the following:
• Identify social media platforms as pathways
• Articulate benefits of social media promotion
• Address concerns of social media promotion
• Identify best practices for social media promotion
• Evaluate examples of social media promotion using pathways
• Access tools for social media promotion
• Customize a plan to implement one new idea

Session Description

Adult educators accomplish important work in research and practice, influencing human rights, economic empowerment, and environmental study.  This session will benefit adult educators interested in contributing to theory, practice, and policy, especially those wanting to broaden the dissemination and impact of their work. 

Social media provides new pathways to advance research, promote publications, and share practice.  In 2019, 2.77 billion people in the world will use social media (Statista, 2016).  According to the Pew Research Center (Perrin, 2015), nearly two-thirds of Americans use social media, and the rise of social media has changed how we consume and share information.  Academics report several benefits and concerns related to using social media in their professional work (Lupta & News & Media Research Center, 2014), which we will share and also relate to practice.

This session will examine research- and practice-based social media platforms, benefits, concerns, best practices, and tools.  Collectively, the content, discussion, resources, and learning activity will provide opportunities for adult educators to learn about and apply social media promotion to disseminate research and practice.  Broadened dissemination offers implications for adult educators to positively influence the world during economically, socially, and politically challenging times.

Format & Technique

Adult educators accomplish important work in research and practice, influencing human rights, economic empowerment, and environmental study.  This session will benefit adult educators interested in contributing to theory, practice, and policy, especially those wanting to broaden the dissemination and impact of their work. 

Social media provides new pathways to advance research, promote publications, and share practice.  In 2019, 2.77 billion people in the world will use social media (Statista, 2016).  According to the Pew Research Center (Perrin, 2015), nearly two-thirds of Americans use social media, and the rise of social media has changed how we consume and share information.  Academics report several benefits and concerns related to using social media in their professional work (Lupta & News & Media Research Center, 2014), which we will share and also relate to practice.

This session will examine research- and practice-based social media platforms, benefits, concerns, best practices, and tools.  Collectively, the content, discussion, resources, and learning activity will provide opportunities for adult educators to learn about and apply social media promotion to disseminate research and practice.  Broadened dissemination offers implications for adult educators to positively influence the world during economically, socially, and politically challenging times.

Primary Presenter

Dr. Catherine A. Cherrstrom, Texas State University
Work Title

Additional Presenters

Dr. Jill Zarestky, Colorado State University
Work Title
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