Student motivations, successes, and outcomes from WIOA funded workforce training
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Workforce Development, Continuing Education, and Professional Development
Presentation Format Requested
Concurrent Session (45 minutes)
Session Abstract
This session will discuss findings from interviews of Integrated Education and Training (IET)students in the Alamo Consortium in San Antonio, Texas. The findings will focus on student motivations, successes, intended/unintended outcomes, and program participation impact. The session will allow for discussion of best practices among administrators and practitioners.
Target Audience
The target audience for this session is aimed at program administrators, training instructors, and college/career navigators. These various groups will be able to gain valuable insight into what motivates students to participate in WIOA funded training programs, and what successes and outcomes have come about due to participation in the training program.
Learning Outcomes
Participants will be able to understand student motivations for participating in training.
Participants will be able to state the intended and unintended outcomes of training program participation among students.
Participants will be able to describe how training programs affect students.
Participants will be able to consider the student perspective when setting up new workforce training programs
Session Description
The information presented is significant to career transitions as it gives insight of how WIOA funded training meets intended goals/outcomes; in addition, unintended outcomes will be discussed to enlighten policymakers and practitioners of best practices and possible poor practices. Also, this session will identify what moviators exist for students to pursue workforce training. To better assist students enrolled in workforce training, this session give insight as to how training impacts students. Presentation participants will learn how WIOA funded training impacts student success and other results. Additionally, participants will learn what best practices support student success. The presentation will be designed in a lecture/presentation style with embedded group discussions. Discussion questions for participants will be distributed to engage them in ways they currently or would like to implement IET programs. This type of engagement will allow for a community of practice to be established and give other programs additional practices that might assist student retention and success. Handouts with themes found from data will be distributed to participants
Format & Technique
This presentation will have dialogue and discussion components that allow for session attendees to further develop or adjust workforce training classes according to program needs. Dialogue will allow for those currently utilizing IET programming to discuss best and worst practices and allow for those developing IET programming to learn about best and worst practices.
Primary Presenter
Aaron J Reyna, Restore Education
Work Title
Program Assistant
Additional Presenters
Kerri Rhodes, Restore Education
Work Title
Director of Student Success