Evaluation of an Advanced Degree Health Professions Education Program: Achievements and Challenges
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Health Professionals
Presentation Format Requested
Concurrent Session (45 minutes)
Session Abstract
Cleveland State University and the Cleveland Clinic Foundation address needs for specialized health professions training through the Master of Education in Health Professions Education (MEHPE) program that prepares health professionals in their educational roles. This session describes the MEHPE program, ongoing program evaluation efforts, and current program outcomes.
Target Audience
Graduate programs in Health Professions Education (HPE) are an important area of adult and continuing education, and these programs are propagating in many hospital/universities throughout the world. The targeted audience for this session are those who are planning or teaching in an HPE program, health professionals (doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, etc.) who may be in teaching or program evaluation roles, and others who are interested in learning more about university/hospital partnerships that support HPE programs.
Learning Outcomes
As Master of Education in Health Professions (HPE) programs continue to proliferate, it is important to demonstrate the value of such programs to all stakeholders (students, faculty, patients, and institutions). In 2016, the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) put forth a set of standards for Master’s degrees in health professions education that provide a framework for quality improvement goals. Through attending this session, participants will understand and be able to describe the ongoing program qualitative and quantitative evaluation efforts of the Master of Education in Health Professions Education (MEHPE) and current program outcomes.
Session Description
This session will allow the presentation and discussion of multiple approaches to program evaluation in a growing and significant field in Adult and Continuing Education: Health Professions Education (HPE). Although many Health Professions Education programs have begun, little has been written or shared concerning how these programs are evaluated for effectiveness in supporting students to use what they have learned in their roles as health professions educators. With the recently developed World Federation for Medical Education Standards, programs now need to engage in significant and multiple methods of evaluation to demonstrate their effectiveness in preparing students to become successful health professions educators. Our session will discuss and demonstrate our evaluation efforts, allowing or understandings of how important these programs are to medical and health professions educators.
Format & Technique
Our session will be facilitated by faculty members and administrators from both Cleveland State University and the Cleveland Clinic to allow multiple insights into the partnership that supports the MEHPE program. We will provide session objectives and intended outcomes to participants, discuss our program evaluation efforts, and engage in robust discourse with participants about their own program evaluation experiences. Through sharing evaluation methods and experiences, participants and presenters will learn together
Primary Presenter
Dr. Catherine A Hansman, Cleveland State University
Work Title
Professor, Adult Learning & Development & MEHPE Program Director
Additional Presenters
Dr. Wendy M Green, Cleveland State University
Work Title
Assistant Professor, Adult Learning & Development & Program Coordinator
Dr. Cecile M. Foshee, Cleveland Clinic
Work Title
Director, GME Learning Innovation & Assistant Professor of Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine