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2019 Annual Conference

del 8 al 11 de October del 2019

St. Louis, MO

Incorporating Design Thinking into Online Course Development

miércoles, el 9 de octubre de 2019 a las 14:40–15:25 CDT
Grand H (85)
Select the FIRST area in which your presentation best fits.

Distance Learning (Technology and Online Learning)

Presentation Format Requested

Concurrent Session (45 minutes)

Session Abstract

This session introduces Design Thinking as a creative problem-solving process and a flexible toolkit to enhance online course design. Participants will be guided through the Design Thinking process focusing on real-world examples for addressing various online course design challenges.

Target Audience

Adult educators, instructional designers, support personnel, instructors

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
• Recognize Design Thinking as a process and a toolkit for originating innovative solutions to a range of online course design challenges.
• Develop a plan for applying Design Thinking strategies in creating new online courses or enhancing existing ones.

Session Description

Many online instructors and course designers are not fully taking advantage of the capabilities of new learning technologies, often using new tools to do old jobs. As educational institutions develop digital learning ecosystems to support online programs, adult educators and designers need to think about and approach the design of online courses in new ways to better exploit the potentialities of new digital learning tools.


This session introduces Design Thinking as a creative problem-solving process and a flexible toolkit to enhance online course design. Participants will be guided through the design thinking process focusing on practical strategies for addressing various online course design challenges. The following Design Thinking strategies will be addressed:


  1. The five Cs of empathic design: caring, curiosity, conversations, and changing
  2. Framing design challenges in a solution agnostic way
  3. Brainstorming creative ideas using “what if” prompts
  4. Rapid prototyping and feedback techniques
  5. Testing and refining new designs
  6. Implementing innovative solutions

Examples will be provided on how to apply Design Thinking for creating new or enhancing existing online courses that result in more impactful learning experiences.

Format & Technique

The session will begin with an explanation of design thinking as a process and a toolkit. Presenters will walk through the stages of the design thinking process using real-world examples from online course design challenges. Then, they will demonstrate the adaptability and flexibility of design thinking for developing or enhancing online courses.

Primary Presenter

Les Howles, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Work Title

Emeritus Faculty Associate

Additional Presenters

Simone C Conceição, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Work Title

Professor and Department Chair
