Inclusive from Day One: Promoting A Positive Class Climate For All
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Colleges and Universities
Presentation Format Requested
Concurrent Session (45 minutes)
Session Abstract
The goal of this session is to reflect on how to intentionally facilitate the development of inclusive classroom communities that foster students’ sense of belonging and promote their success, and speciafically on how to do so right from the start during course preparations and the first week of class.
Target Audience
The concurrent session is aimed at facilitating the following groups:
- Post-secondary and college instructors
- Graduate students (particularly those who may serve as Teaching Assistants)
- Faculty developers
- Department Heads and administrators working with instructors
Learning Outcomes
As a result of attending the session, learners will be able to:
• Identify central tenets of inclusive teaching and its relationship to adult learning principles
• Share community building experiences and ideas with colleagues in order to reflect on what an inclusive community might look like in diverse teaching contexts
• Discuss evidence-based strategies
• Apply these concepts to relevant classroom scenarios
• Identify 2/3 actionable takeaways to try out in their own classrooms
Session Description
Inclusive teaching has become a buzz word/popular concept across education today. It embraces a view of individual difference as the source of diversity that can enrich the lives and learning of othersand refers to ways in which pedagogy, curricula and assessment are designed and delivered to engage students in learning that is meaningful, relevant and accessible to all (Hockings, 2010). Given its focus, the concept has clear ties to adult learning principles and to students' sense of belonging. But while inclusive teaching might be emphasized as college courses progress, such an emphasis tends to be forgotten or overlooked in the initial stages/first session or two of a course. Many instructors merely emphasize questions and answers concerning syllabi and content during that time. This session illuminates the importance of inclusive teaching and the diverse strategies it can involve during the first few days of a college course—a time when establishing a positive class climate is both possible and necessary to ensure a sustainable sense of community.
Format & Technique
This session is being designed as an interactive presentation; discussion and open sharing of ideas/perspectives is a necessity and I anticipate the following segments:
Welcome & Introductions
Session overview and objectives
What does an inclusive classroom community look like?
- Personal reflection
- Sharing experiences and ideas
- Evidence-based strategies
Laying the foundations: syllabi and first days of class
- Group discussions of case studies based on pre-session survey
- Group debriefs
Starting today, continuing tomorrow
- Identifying actionable takeaways
- Ideas for future development
- Q & A, closing remarks and exit tickets
Primary Presenter
Anna Santucci, Ph.D., University of Rhode Island
Work Title
Faculty Development Specialist