Effects of Prior Learning Assessment on Graduation Rates of Adult Students in Online Degree Programs
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Colleges and Universities
Presentation Format Requested
Shared Concurrent Session (Approx. 12 or 20 minutes)
Session Abstract
Graduation rates of adult college students lag behind those of traditional undergraduates. Credit for prior learning (PLA) has the potential to improve graduation rates and decrease time to degree for adult students. This study examined the relationship of PLA on graduation rates for adults in an online degree completion program.
Target Audience
College and university faculty. Academic administrators with responsibilities in prior learning assessment, online degree programs, retention and graduation and adult degree programs.
Learning Outcomes
Recognize the potential impact of credit for prior learning on adult online learners.
Discuss common practices in PLA as related to online learning.
Develop a plan for integrating PLA credit into existing programs.
Session Description
While the number of adults enrolled in degree programs has increased in recent years the graduation rate and degree attainment for adult students lags behind that of traditional students. Previous studies have focused on the use of Credit for Prior Learning in community colleges and adult degree completion programs, but little research has been done in relation to adults in online degree completion programs. This research adds to the relevant literature but also gives practical reasoning and guidelines for using PLA in online programming to support adult student retention and graduation.
Format & Technique
Presentation of data related to improved adult student outcomes when PLA is utilized.
Open discussion of the data and best practices.