Data Builds Bridges! Connecting Counselors and Administrators to Better Serve Our Students
jueves, el 14 de noviembre de 2019 a las 11:00–12:00 EST
Walsh A (50)
Target Audience
Counselor Educator, Supervisor
School Administrators
Counselor Educator, Supervisor
School Administrators
Please select the interest areas (or track) your proposal covers
Tools for working smarter, not harder
Comprehensive School Counseling Program
Issues in Counseling
Principal/Counselor Relationship
Comprehensive School Counseling Program
Issues in Counseling
Principal/Counselor Relationship
The relationship between School Counselors and Administration is paramount in the effort to Champion All Students. School Counselors must inform and educate Administration on our role and the services we provide. Through data-driven points, we can advocate for our programs and increase awareness, thus resulting in greater communication and stronger relationships. The most effective way to educate and garner the support of Administration is through the presentation of the data-driven programs we offer.