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2019 Annual Conference

du 8 au 11 October 2019

St. Louis, MO

Empowering Students in Fully Online Courses to Access Academic Support Services

mardi 8 octobre 2019 à 09:00–16:00 CDT
Grand F (85)
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CDLT PreConference Symposium: Best Practices in Distance Learning or Technology for Adult Learners

Presentation Format Requested

CDLT PreConference Only: Concurrent (20 to 45 minutes)

Session Abstract

As more courses are being offered in a fully online format at the community college level, academic support services are challenged to find ways to meet the needs these students.  This session explores options for providing services, as well as approaches for encouraging students to access services.

Target Audience

This session is designed for educators and other professionals who work with college students in a variety of settings, especially those who work with students who take their courses fully online. The session will also be informative for researchers, graduate students, and others interested in needs of college students, both traditional and post-traditional learners.

Learning Outcomes

The learner will:
Identify academic support services appropriate for students in fully online classes.
Identify ways to encourage students in fully online classes to access academic support services.
Discuss the application of this information in his/her own practice.

Session Description

Many students are increasingly enrolling in courses which are provided fully online.  As a result, they are less likely to be physically present on campus.  It is especially hard to make these students aware of academic support services which are available to them and to encourage them to utilize the services.  At a time in which institutions are increasingly accountable for student outcomes, it is important for those who work with students to find ways to accomplish these tasks.  During this session, suggestions for services and marketing will be provided.  Furthermore, participants will have the opportunity to share their own experiences and also brainstorm ideas to improve academic support services in their own contexts.

Format & Technique

This session will be presented using PowerPoint. Multimedia elements may be included, but will require no additional equipment. The session may begin with a few short case studies highlighting academic support needs of learners taking fully online courses. The presenter will discuss various programs/interventions which may address those student needs. Attendees will apply session content to personal practice. Attendees will be provided presentation outlines and the presenter's contact information. No internet access is required.

Primary Presenter

Cynthia Noblin Perry, Northeast State Community College, University of Tennessee
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