The Intersection of Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence and Transformative Learning
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Adult Development
Presentation Format Requested
Roundtable (45 minutes)
Session Abstract
The purpose of this session is to review extant literature regarding transformative learning (TL), emotional intelligence (EI), and spiritual intelligence (SI) to determine how the concepts interconnect. Understanding the interconnection of these concepts can inform the pedagogical methodologies used to enhance the adult learning experience and impact change.
Target Audience
This session is appropriate for practitioners who desire to harness and incorporate the themes discussed to inform their methodological practices to enhance the learning environment and stimulate change. Scholars could benefit from this session because illuminating the connection between the three constructs (TL, EI, SI) could enlighten their theoretical praxis. Considering the theme for the AAACE 2019 Conference, Adult Education for Human Rights, Economic Empowerment, and Environmental Sustainability, the exploration of the interconnection between the three concepts could serve as a platform for change in one’s self and working with others.
Learning Outcomes
Learners will gain awareness of critical role emotions play in almost every aspect of life, including the constructs discussed.
Learners will be able to recognize the epistemological, pedagogical and utilitarian significance of emotions intertwining emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, and transformative learning in the learning environment to affect change.
Learners will be to be able to understand vital role emotions portend in transformative learning.
Session Description
The emotional intelligence (EI), spiritual intelligence (SI), and transformative learning (TL) constructs have common characteristics that are worth exploring to provide another avenue to enhance the learning environment. The intent of this session is to create a dialogue to extrapolate the salient points connecting the three constructs enabling practitioners and scholars the optics to consider a recourse in their pedagogical consciousness. The AAACE Conference 2019 theme encapsulates change. The advancement of human rights, economic empowerment, and environmental sustainability requires action. One component that empowers change is emotion. While EI focuses more on regulating one’s emotions in one’s self and dealing with others, SI and TL focus more on the development of the inner self and how refining the inner person could lead to enhancing one’s self and dealing with others. The combination of the three concepts facilitates an enhanced inner product (self) and a heightened outer product (interaction with the others). One of the more pronounced common threads is the emotions component. Without the emotions component, the motivation to change could be limited. Practitioners could explore the programmatic of incorporating the three constructs into practice to inform their pedagogical methodologies and perhaps, advance adult learning.
Format & Technique
As attendees arrive, they will be given a 5 x 7 card to fill in their name.
Introductions will consist of name, organization representing, and the motivation for attending the session.
As the moderator, I will ensure that a sequence of events is posted along with thematic questions that will drive the roundtable discussion.
The moderator will solicit a note taker to capture the salient points offered and the problematics that require further investigation.
The moderator will facilitate the discussion by interjecting when needed to steer the discourse and afford all participants the opportunity to provide input.
Primary Presenter
Work Title
Ph. D. Student