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2019 Annual Conference

del 8 al 11 de October del 2019

St. Louis, MO

Provoking New Ideas through Creating A stimulating Learning Environment

miércoles, el 9 de octubre de 2019 a las 08:55–09:35 CDT
Grand C (85)
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Research to Practice

Presentation Format Requested

Fast Format (7 minutes)

Session Abstract

The purpose of this project was to showcase how to provoke new ideas through creating a stimuating learning environment.   


Target Audience

Researchers, graduate students, and practitioners who are interested in creating a stimulating learning environment.


Learning Outcomes

Learners will know:

1. how to use color and sounds to create a stimulating learning environment.
2. How to organize the activities to stimulating new ideas from learners.
3. the rationales of how such environment is created.

Session Description

The purpose of this study was to showcase how to provoke new knowledge through creating a stimulating learning environment. The aesthetic, playful, and entertaining environment can stimulate people’s senses and emotions. Creating a stimulating learning environment through colors and sounds can provoke new knowledge among learners in an entertaining environment. In this project, I will use a case to demonstrate the process of how to create a stimulating learning environment to provoke new ideas among learners. Such stimulating environment was created through manipulating lights, music, sound, colors and space. In addition to the environment design, activity design will also be addressed in order to provoke thoughts among learners.


It is an innovative and timely topic in terms of how to manipulate environment to stimulate new ideas among learners.


Format & Technique

2 minutes: Introduction of the project 

3 minutes: Demonstration of the stimulating learning environment 

2 minutes: Inviting the participants to share their experience of creating a stimulating environment.


Primary Presenter

Bo Chang, Ball State University
Work Title