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2019 Conference and Developers Day

del 26 al 29 de August del 2019


Please find below the IGeLU 2019 Conference, Developers' Day plus Ex Libris Knowledge Day Programme, in a slightly abbreviated form. The final and full version of the programme will be published in the IGeLU Conference App available from Apple Store & Google Play. The Conference Planning Committee reserves the right to make last minute alterations to the schedule where necessary.

Creating a Knowledge Graph

lunes, el 26 de agosto de 2019 a las 11:15–11:45 +08
National Library Board (NLB) Possibility Room
Conference or Developers' Day

Developers' Day


Information is stored in silo's. It is difficult to link to records within a silo and nearly impossible to link/reference records/data in a remote silo. We created microservices and a knowledge graph that helps us create new services for our users.

Main Topic

Linked Data


Mehmet Celik, KU Leuven
Presenter's job title

Technical Architect
