Please find below the IGeLU 2019 Conference, Developers' Day plus Ex Libris Knowledge Day Programme, in a slightly abbreviated form. The final and full version of the programme will be published in the IGeLU Conference App available from Apple Store & Google Play. The Conference Planning Committee reserves the right to make last minute alterations to the schedule where necessary.
Matchkey Generation for Network Zone MARC Records Migration
Conference or Developers' Day
Developers' Day
In August 2016, 8 JULAC libraries started a migration project from their local ILS to a shared ILS. The duplication of records across the 8 Libraries meant the existence of multiple versions of the same BIB record. It was essential to retain the best BIB record while those of lesser quality were omitted. Such a process, if conducted manually, would have been almost unfathomable in terms of the amount of time required to be done effectively.
In order to achieve an effective and accurate matching, software was developed to create a matchkey for each BIB record based on a combination of data fields in a record. The matchkey was put in each BIB record before these were propagated to the IZ and NZ. By comparing the matchkey, the ExL’ loading program determines whether an incoming BIB record will be added as a new record or will be merged with an existing record.
In this paper, we will discuss how the matchkey is constructed and how the it enhances the timeliness and productivity of 8 Libraries.
Main Topic
Dr K.M. Ku, University of Hong Kong
Presenter's job title
Associate Librarian, Digital Development and Technology Support Services