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2019 Annual Conference

del 8 al 11 de October del 2019

St. Louis, MO

Learning Mindful Leadership in Virtual Spaces

martes, el 8 de octubre de 2019 a las 09:00–16:00 CDT
Grand F (85)
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CDLT PreConference Symposium: Best Practices in Distance Learning or Technology for Adult Learners

Presentation Format Requested

CDLT PreConference Only: Fast Format (7 minutes)

Session Abstract

Are you curious about learning mindfulness in online settings? Come explore an example of effective online mindfulness learning.

Target Audience

This session will be of value to individuals with a focus or interest in contemplative education in online settings, building communities of inquiry, or leadership development.

Learning Outcomes

Define contemplative education and its role in higher education.

Identify best practices for teaching mindful leadership in online courses.

Session Description

This presentation examines the processes and outcomes of learning mindful leadership in virtual spaces. The development of best practices for teaching mindfulness in online courses is hindered by a lack of research. Additionally, there is a lack of research on contemplative education practices concerned with the development of the whole person, particularly developing emotional intelligence capacities for leadership. This presentation reports on a grounded theory study on an online educational leadership course. Key findings include that learners experienced a shift in their attitude toward mindful leadership and they identified several impactful practices which aided their exploration of leadership. The impacts of mindfulness practices on learners included uncovering their personal barriers to developing leadership potential and the role of self-care and management for leaders. Peer-to-peer learning was a key process in learning mindful leadership.

Format & Technique

This is a pecha kucha presentation. Images related to key points will be used to convey information about the research problem, methods and findings, in addition to brief narration.

Primary Presenter

Wendy Griswold, University of Memphis
Work Title