Compassionate Leadership: Leading all-in from the heart.
viernes, el 11 de octubre de 2019 a las 08:00–09:30 CDT
Mills 6 (30)
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CPAE CoConference : Professional Development Workshop
Presentation Format Requested
CPAE CoConference Only: Professional Development Workshop (90 minutes)
Session Abstract
This session focuses on cultivating a culture of compassion/empathy in the workplace by exploring how we communicate, how we listen and how we connect with each other. When we remember we are dealing with human beings craving connection, we can better drive engagement, happiness and a positive work environment.
Target Audience
Adult Educators who experience burnout and stress and who want to find ways to reconnect and communicate more effectively to combat this.
Learning Outcomes
By conversation, role playing and handouts, we will be able to identify compassion and how to lead from this space.
Tangible ways to practice showing up with compassion daily
The in-depth difference between empathy and sympathy and how to let go of always trying to fix the issue, and instead just be a good listener.
Session Description
Compassionate Leadership according to Forbes: “Leadership that transcends the traditional measures of organizational performance, to take care of the human condition at the heart level.”
So how do we create awareness and build a skillset to be able to practice it in everyday life?
Three Core Principles: Empathy, Cognitive, Motivation. I will dig into each of these to explain the difference between empathy, sympathy and apathy; Teach the power of the three forms of listening to learn, and become aware of your personal WHY as well as the why of your colleagues, peers, employees.
We will explore the research that has been done and some of the numbers and results that come from the documented pathway to desires, engagement, improved culture and ultimately, TRUST.
Explore takeaways and how one can practice each concept.
As a leader in an ever-changing society, “showing up as your best self” is the cornerstone of the message I deliver. This “best self” comes from within and is best discovered by uncovering one’s non-negotiables as a human being. Understanding Compassionate Leadership from the inside out will help develop a culture of empathy, mindfulness and trust.
Format & Technique
Slide deck and conversation as well as handouts. I have done this at various locations for big events and it was the perfect mix and reviews were so strong that I was brought back again unanimously.
Primary Presenter
Jennifer L Croneberger, MS, JLCG, LLC
Work Title
President & Chief Inspiration Officer