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2019 Annual Conference

del 8 al 11 de October del 2019

St. Louis, MO

Welcome to the Party!: Crowdsourcing Curriculum Redevelopment – A Panel Discussion

viernes, el 11 de octubre de 2019 a las 09:45–11:15 CDT
Mills 3 (39)
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CPAE CoConference: Emerging Issues for Faculty in Higher Education

Presentation Format Requested

CPAE CoConference Only: Professional Development Workshop (90 minutes)

Session Abstract

The purpose of this session is to describe a recent project in the revision of master’s-level curriculum using a collaborative and iterative process. Professors and faculty developers worked to identify student learning outcomes for the program and courses while also identifying resources and relevant activities. Handouts will be provided.

Target Audience

Faculty, faculty/curriculum developers, graduate students and academic administrators working with curriculum design.

Learning Outcomes

Learners will be able to understand the process taken to revise the curriculum for a master's degree program.
Learners will be able to replicate the process for their own courses and curriculum
Learners will be able to describe the benefits of incorporating multiple colleagues in the process of revitalizing the curriculum
Learners will be able to identify key tasks necessary to be successful in revising curriculum through a collaborative approach.

Session Description

As the world becomes more interdependent, it is necessary to rethink the process of curriculum development and design.  In a recent endeavor to revitalize the curriculum for an online master’s degree program in Adult Education, a group of experts from across the country worked collaboratively to examine the current offerings for the program, identify program-level outcomes, and create course-level student learning outcomes.  These experts, comprised of adult education faculty and faculty developers, were recruited based on their knowledge of field of adult education or faculty development, and their experience with curriculum design. The process involved several online meetings (Adobe Connect) and much homework to infuse concepts of change across the curriculum. Each member examined and commented on learning outcomes, provided suggestions for change and improvement, and identified resources and potential activities that would support the newly developed learning outcomes.  Several technologies were also incorporated to provide immediate and open interaction and feedback. The process took place over the period of a year and a half, and resulted in an updated curriculum focused on the role change takes in the process of learning as adults.

Format & Technique

This session will be conducted as a panel discussion with the seven-member group of experts who conducted the curriculum revision. A detailed description of the process, from recruitment to collaboration techniques, will be described. Then each panel member will be asked to describe their reflections of the process and potential changes in how they approached curriculum changes in their respective institutions. Questions will be encouraged throughout the panel discussion. Handouts describing resources for others who want to engage in such a process will be provided.

Primary Presenter

Jim I. Berger, Western Kentucky University
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Additional Presenters

Henry Merrill, IUPUI
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Connie Schroeder, UW-Milwaukee
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Dan Royer, Ball State University
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Dr. AnnMarie Marlier, Ph.D., M.Ed., Director of Institutional Effectiveness
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Kimberly Whiter, JCHS
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Stacy Leggett, Western Kentucky University
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Caitlin Bergendahl, Virginia Commonwealth Univerity and Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence
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