Investigating Military/Veteran Students’ Perceived Employability
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Workforce Development, Continuing Education, and Professional Development
Presentation Format Requested
Concurrent Session (45 minutes)
Session Abstract
This study examines military/veteran students’ perception of their employability by conducting a self-perceived employability scale survey among enrolled military/veteran students in a professional studies program in higher education. The study results would help higher education institutions understand the employability of military/veteran students and make strategies to improve the employability.
Target Audience
Administrators, faculty, current enrolled or potential military/veteran students in higher education, adult educators, and human resource development professionals.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this session, participants would be able to:
1. Learn the perspective of the current enrolled military/veteran students of professional studies programs on their perceived employability.
2. Compare the military/veteran students’ perceptions of employability and ambition based on their demographic factors.
3. Discuss the value of the degree of professional studies program for the military/veteran students’ perspective with regards to securing employment and career success.
4. Discuss strategies for success and recommendations to improve the outcomes of military/veteran students studying in professional studies programs.
Session Description
With the advent of the new Post-9/11 GI Bill, there is a significant number of military/veteran students who peruse a professional or academic degree program in higher education. However, there is limited research regarding the outcome of their study. The purpose of this study is to investigate the military/veteran students’ perceptions on their employability. A survey was conducted among military/veteran students enrolled in a professional study program in higher education. Rothwell et al.’s (2008) self-perceived employability instrument was utilized in the survey and it includes 16 self-perceived employability items, six ambition items, and eight university commitment items. Descriptive and statistical analysis was conducted to show the results of perceived employability and the relationship between the employability and demographic factors. The results of this study will be helpful to the professional studies program and higher education institution to understand military/veteran students’ employability and make strategies to improve employability. In addition, this study would help potential and current military/veteran students learn their career development and success of transition to civilian life through higher education.
Format & Technique
This session will begin with a presentation of the study followed by a facilitated discussion and would include interactive scenarios that would prompt audience participation and learning with regards to the military/veteran students’ employability.
Primary Presenter
Yuanlu Niu, University of Arkansas
Work Title
Assistant Professor
Additional Presenters
Yvonne Hunter-Johnson, North Carolina A&T State University
Work Title
Associate Professor
Xu Xu, Henderson State University
Work Title
Associate Professor