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2019 Annual Conference

du 8 au 11 October 2019

St. Louis, MO

Adult Basic Education for English Language Learners

vendredi 11 octobre 2019 à 09:00–09:45 CDT
Grand H (85)
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Adult Basic Education and Literacy Education

Presentation Format Requested

Shared Concurrent Session (Approx. 12 or 20 minutes)

Session Abstract

This presentation will offer insight into Adult Basic Education for English Language Learners. We will discuss why such classes are needed, how they can best be implemented, and what the challenges are. We will also demonstrate some effective teaching tools and lesson ideas for the ABE classroom.

Target Audience

This session is designed for new or experienced teachers working in English Language Acquisition, Adult Basic Education, and Adult Secondary Education classes.

Learning Outcomes

This presentation will offer information about 1) why such classes are needed, 2) how the program can best be implemented, and 3) effective teaching tools and lesson ideas for the ABE classroom. We will share specific activity ideas for teaching math, science, social studies, reading comprehension, and writing skills that have been adapted for English language learners.

Session Description

This presentation will offer insight into building an Adult Basic Education for English Language Learners. We will discuss why such classes are especially needed for English language learners. The two main topics of discussion regarding the importance of ABE for ELLs center around 1) preparing students for college and career goals, and 2) reinforcing advanced English lessons through Content Based Instruction. We will share our success story and provide insight into how the program can best be implemented, as well as discussing what the challenges are. We will also demonstrate some effective teaching tools and lesson ideas for the ABE classroom. We will share specific activity ideas for teaching math, science, social studies, reading comprehension, and writing skills that have been adapted for English language learners.

Format & Technique

We will have a power point presentation and handouts with both background data and information which supports the need for adult basic education for English language learners and specific lesson plan and activity ideas to utilize in the classroom. We will also lead a few group activities to demonstrate how the activities work. There will also be time for discussion and questions.

Primary Presenter

Stephen Rodgers, Heartland Human Care Services
Work Title

Supervisor of English Language Training

Additional Presenters

Katie Callahan Neginskiy, Heartland Human Care Services
Work Title

Manager of Vocational Language Training

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